Thunderhawk Football Camps

Thunderhawk TEAM Camp

Open to all entering grades 9-12; will install schemes and cover Offensive and Defensive fundamentals


7/12/21-7/14/21 – 5:30pm-7:30pm

Location: Grand Rapids High School,Noble Hall Field

Fee: $25

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846

Thunderhawk Freshman Camp

Open to all entering grades 9; will install schemes and cover Offensive and Defensive fundamentals all while serving as orientation to the Grand Rapids High School Football program


6/29/21-6/30/21 – 9:30am-11:30am

Location: Grand Rapids High School, Noble Hall Field

Fee: $20

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846

Thunderhawk Middle School Football Camp for Grades 6-8

Open to all entering grades 6-8, Camp is non-padded and will install basic offensive, defensive and special teams fundamentals.

Wednesday & Thursday

7/27/21 & 7/28/21 - 5:30pm-7:30 pm

Location: Noble Hall Field

Fee: $20

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846


Jaycees/Grand Rapids Football Pony League Camp

Open to all entering grades 4-6 who wish to explore the game of football! This non-padded camp aims at introducing the game to Grand Rapids Pony League players in a fun, engaging way. We hope to see all our future Thunderhawks there!

Tuesday - Thursday

8/3/21-8/5/21 - 9:30am-11:30am

Location: Noble Hall Field

Fee: $30

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846

Future Thunderhawk Camp

Come out and have some fun while learning about the great game of football and how we play it here in Grand Rapids. Open to anyone entering grades K-3. We hope to see you all there!

Tuesday and Wednesday

7/27/21 & 7/28/21 9:30am-11:30am

Location: Noble Hall Field

Fee: $20

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846

Football 101 For Mom’s!

Open to all mothers/women who wish to have some fun, learn more about football and how we play and teach it in Grand Rapids. We will cover basic offensive, defensive and special teams fundamentals, schemes and plays. Wear comfortable clothes! We will be active!

Saturday ~ 8/21/21 10:00am-12:00pm

Location: Noble Hall Field & Grand Rapids High School

Fee: $20

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846

Thunderhawk Strength and Speed Camp

This camp aims to serve ALL student athletes from Grand Rapids, grades 6-12. This is a great opportunity to prevent injuries, improve athleticism, flexibility, core strength and prepare for the upcoming seasons! Scholarships are available-Contact Coach Spahn, 327-5760 x41527 or 715-220- 2846

Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 6/7/21 - 8/6/21 No camp week of 7/4/21 **Start date may be delayed to 6/14/21 due to MSHSL Summer Waiver regulations**

4 sessions to choose from:

  • Session 1-6:15am–7:15am

  • Session 2-7:00am - 8:00am

  • Session 3-7:45am - 8:45am

  • Session 4-FEMALE ATHLETES - 8:30am - 9:30am

  • Session 5-MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETES 9:15 am -10:15 am

Location: Grand Rapids High School

Fee: $75.00:

Grand Rapids Weightlifting.

Coaches: Head Strength Coach Ben Simula, with help from other GRHS coaches. Coaches are USA-Weightlifting Certified Staff, USA Football Certified Staff and Speed Specialists.

Contact Coach Spahn with questions.; 715.220.2846